You've built your business with grit and vision.

Now you’re ready to reclaim some of your time without sacrificing your hard-earned revenue. 

Unlock the Secret to Effortless Lead Generation and Sales with Step-by-Step Facebook Ads Strategy –

Even If You've Never Run an Ad Before

you're not looking to become an ad expert

You just need straightforward strategy that works hard, so you don't have to. 

Authority Building: Position yourself as the go-to expert in your niche. 

List Building: Build an email list full of your ideal customers.

Lead Generation: Attract the perfect clients for your programs and services. 

I know you're probably terrified of ads.

And for good reason too. 

Your options are either: 

Until now. 

Pay thousands of dollars for an outdated ads course with zero support


Hire an agency for thousands per month to do them for you, not knowing if you’ll get results.


str[ad]egy school

Up-to-date trainings — so you're never left guessing

Over-the-shoulder tutorials, so you can learn by example

Expert Led Weekly Office Hours: Stop in and have your questions answered

Continuous Live Support in the Facebook Community as long as you're a member

Step-by-step Instructions: all lessons under 10 minutes long

Ad Graphic + Copy Templates, so you don't have to start with a blank slate.

Limited time: Founding Member's Rate - only $97/mo

Generate leads, grow your email list, and become the expert who's always top of mind.


Tech-Free Strategies to get you up and running faster. 

hey, I'm Olivia!

My expertise isn't just in making ads that convert; it's in seeing the big picture of a business and knitting together ads, copy, and email marketing into seamless, evergreen systems.

My goal? To create marketing that works tirelessly so you don't have to, freeing you up to focus on what you love.

With Str[AD]egy School, I'm here to share everything I've learned, making sophisticated marketing strategies accessible and actionable for you.

Hey, I'm olivia! 

For 7 years, I've been the force behind the scenes, managing millions in ad spend, and creating marketing strategies that work harder than a pack of sled dogs in the Iditarod.



only $97/mo

cancel anytime

Can I cancel my Str[AD]egy School membership if it's not right for me?

Simple, Concise, Up-to-Date... how much time do you have? 
I created Str[AD]egy School to be comprehensive, it's the only course you'll need. It combines strategic big-picture marketing insights with hands-on ad tactics, all tailored to work hard so you don't have to.

What makes Str[AD]egy School different from other Facebook ads courses?

Will I get direct access to you for questions?

You could be up and running in an afternoon if you follow each video step-by-step.
But no rush, it's self-paced and you have support access as long as you're a member.

How much time do I need to dedicate to this course each week?

Absolutely, it's designed to take you from zero to hero in Facebook advertising, regardless of your starting point.

Is Str[AD]egy School suitable for complete beginners?

You'll master how to create, manage, and optimize Facebook ads for consistent, evergreen growth without constant oversight.

What exactly will I learn in Str[AD]egy School?


Yes, members can ask me questions during monthly office hours and in our dedicated Facebook group. I respond during M-F during normal business hours. 

Yes, you can cancel anytime — no strings attached, no hard feelings.
Keep in mind though, you'll lose access to the course materials and support if you cancel.